
The Graduate Program in Business Administration (PPGA) aims to train high-level masters and doctors from innovative theoretical-methodological frameworks, with a profile for teaching, research and executive functions, thus contributing to the development of organizations, and their economic and social agents. The Program is funded by CAPES (Proap), CNPq, Fapemig, and faculty research projects. The admission process is annual, with entries in the first semester. The desired profile of the graduate includes skills in the area of research and teaching in Administration, enabling the professional to perform both teaching and research functions as well as administrative and entrepreneurial functions in public, private and third sector organizations. The only area of focus is in Administration, with three lines of research: a) Strategic management, marketing and innovation - it aims to develop studies related to the competitiveness of organizations facing an unstable and dynamic business environment, seeking to understand organizational and interorganizational strategies in a logic of innovation and meeting the demands of the consumer market. It has four thematic nuclei: Strategy, cooperation and interorganizational relations, University, innovation and development, Knowledge management, prospecting and applied technology, Marketing and consumer behavior; b) Organizations, management and society - it encompasses a set of projects that seek to apprehend and explain organizations in their most diverse forms, dimensions and organizational realities, from the perspective of different theoretical and methodological approaches, including those based on social and organizational theories; c) Business management, economics and markets - it studies organizations, business networks and their implications in the productive, industrial and financial segments, contributing to the formulation of public and private policies. The main thematic areas of activity include Markets and agro-industrial businesses, industrial Organization and internationalization of companies, and Controllership and Finance.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1446
E-mail: fcsa.posgraduacao@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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