
 Plant biotechnology


Central Idea of the Program In order to include UFLA in a technological niche, which is highly necessary for the strategic development of the country, the Graduate Program in Plant Biotechnology (PGBV) was implemented in 2006. With a vision of development-driven research, our mission is to meet the demand for technical solutions from key agricultural crops while supporting the professional qualifications of students required by the booming biotechnology sectors. Profile of the graduate Solid basic scientific, technological formation capable of planning, executing and interpreting the results of the application of the techniques of modern biotechnology related to the diagnosis and development of products and processes from molecules or cells of microbial or vegetal nature, to order to provide processes and products that guarantee greater economy, efficiency and competitiveness for their final social use, whether in activities related to public health, agriculture, bioindustrial and the environment; Program Objective The purpose of the PGBV is to train professionals in order to make them able to use the tools, principles and concepts of modern biotechnology aiming at the generation of new biological products and processes in the agricultural/environmental and microbiological areas, to act in teaching, research, extension and also as entrepreneurs. Frequency of the admission process: semiannually Financial support: several projects approved by national funding agencies, such as CAPES, CNPq, FINEP and State FAPs, as well as those supported by the private sector. Description of research lines 1) GENOMIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS: Study of gene expression in plants under conditions of biotic and abiotic stresses; prospecting and characterization of genes of economic interest; IT applied to the study of genomes. 2) MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANT RELATIONSHIP - MICROORGANISMS AND INSECTS: Characterization of pathogen-host interaction in vegetables; molecular biology of microorganisms and insects; identification of metabolites in microorganisms useful in crop production. 3) GENETIC TRANSFORMATION AND CLONING: Genetic manipulation and transformation of plants and microorganisms; incorporation of transgenes in conventional crops; in vitro clonal propagation;


ATTENTION: The Administrative office of the Institute of Natural Sciences (SI/ICN) is responsible for responding to requests for this Graduate Program. For more information on the responsibilities assigned to the administrative office please visit https://icn.ufla.br/si


E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Phone: soon





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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1628
E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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