
Description of PPGCTM 


The Graduate Program in Wood Science and Technology (PPGCTM) of the Federal University of Lavras is the only one in the country that offers highly qualified training focused on wood and its products at master and doctorate levels. The general objective of PPGCTM is to enable and qualify professionals with a high level of specialization to face the main challenges of research and development activities within the scope of Wood Science and Technology. PPGCTM is currently developing its research activities in the "Wood Science and Technology" concentration area. The scientific production and training of human resources is divided into two lines of research (LP) that are subdivided into ten projects (P), namely:


LP 1: Characterization of lignocellulosic materials

P1. Characterization of wood and its products

P2. Non-destructive testing on forest products

P3. Wood shaping and processing modeling

P4. Genetic and environmental control of wood quality

P5. Quality of materials subjected to heat treatment and


LP 2 compaction: Processing and use of lignocellulosic materials.

P6. Wood processing and derivatives

P7. New materials produced from plant biomass

P8. Energy production from lignocellulosic materials

P9. Advanced studies on nanostructured materials

P10. Fiber and nanoparticle reinforced composites


Within this scientific framework, PPGCTM faculty currently conduct 13 projects funded by funding agencies (CNPq and FAPEMIG) and private companies. The total value of the projects funded this quadrennium is R$ 882,855.00. The public-private partnership has always been considered of great importance for project funding and for providing materials for the development of academic research.


From 2007, the year of its creation, until December 2018, the PPGCTM graduated 127 masters and 57 doctors. Regarding the profile of the graduate, it is expected that the title presents a high level of vocational training with technical-scientific knowledge for the sustainable use of wood and its derivatives; scientific skills to propose new research, and knowledge of techniques and equipment needed for high-level research. The graduates of PPGCTM have worked in private companies or public sector at the state, federal and abroad levels.


PPGCTM offers 7 master and 4 doctoral vacancies every six months. The selection of candidates is decentralized and may occur in several cities in Brazil and abroad or where there is favorable demand and conditions. In 2018, the candidate/vacancy ratio of the selection processes was 2.75 for master and 3.2 for doctorates with applications from four countries.



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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1426
E-mail: pgctm.dcf@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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