
Systems Engineering and Automation

The Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Automation (PPGESISA) aims to train professionals (masters) that address the concepts, methodologies and techniques for the development, characterization and performance evaluation of computer systems and embedded systems for applications in the residential, industrial and agroindustrial sectors. PPGESISA aims to train masters with solid knowledge in the field of Systems Engineering and Automation, and who have the ability to create and design solutions. The graduate of PPGESISA will be able to express correctly in oral and written form, as well as having didactic skills. PPGESISA's objective is to train qualified human resources to act as professors and researchers in educational and/or research institutions, as well as professionals of companies capable of forming teams for the development of projects and products with high technological and quality standards. PPGESISA offers 12 vacancies every six months and has Proap funding and funding for projects approved by professors in funding agencies (CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG). In total, there are 15 research projects and 1 extension project that are funded.  The PPGESIA Concentration Area is entitled Systems Engineering and Automation (Engineering IV) and the program has two lines of research: (1) Intelligent Systems and (2) Automation and Instrumentation Systems. The research line (1) aims to develop computer systems for modeling and solving real problems by exploring techniques inspired by the functioning of the human brain or based on processes found in nature (bio-inspired systems). It covers machine learning, artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, pattern recognition and cluster analysis, computational intelligence, signal and image analysis and processing, computer vision and evolutionary computing. Research line (2) is dedicated to the study, monitoring and design of modern systems and their specialties. It contemplates the creation of new systems that are even more complex and that offer more functionality and performance. It covers the areas of smart vehicles and cities, mobile robotics, new sensor development, telecommunications and multimedia systems, and optical metrology.

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Telephone/Extension number

Telephone/Extension number: (35) 2142-2046

Coordination Department of the Program


    Telephone/Extension number: (35)3829/5234

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    Telephone/Extension number: (35) 3829/4595

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