
The aim of the graduate program in Biomaterials Engineering is to train professionals with knowledge in the areas of biomaterials, so that they can apply that knowledge in studies and technologies aimed at preserving the environment and the well-being of human activities. The program aims to foster and consolidate research aimed at the development of knowledge in the production of new materials, both from a basic and applied point of view, in both cases with a focus on the transfer of knowledge and technology to different areas of society. Basic research will focus on the acquisition of knowledge on plant fiber characterization, material strength, material electronics, nanosciences and nanotechnology. The applied research will include the techniques of production and evaluation of structural and non-structural materials and food materials, using as raw material vegetable fibers and residues of the agribusiness production chain. The program receives funding annually through PROAP and, regularly, researchers are awarded financial support from research funding agencies, such as FAPEMIG and CNPq. The Selective Process for master's and doctorate in Biomaterials Engineering is semiannual. The Biomaterials Engineering program consists of two lines of research: 



It Includes scientific technical studies of lignocellulosic particles, fibers and nanofibers for reinforcement of composites and nanocomposites, development of adhesive microparticles and nanoparticles, production of lignocellulosic panels and particles, compatibility of polymers and biomaterials, creation of functionalized coating by incorporation of nanoparticles or nanolayers, development of fiber cement, plastic-wood composites and agricultural waste. Thus, providing subsidies both for the generation of new materials with diverse applications, more efficient production processes, as well as for studies and policies aimed at the sustainability, use and development of renewable raw materials.   



Research related to biopolymers, nanoparticles and biocomposites has great relevance for several areas of knowledge. This line includes the development and evaluation of techniques and protocols of characterization and the production of new materials that can be applied as protective and intelligent films/packaging as well as the creation of new components and sustainable production processes for different applications, with enhanced performance, controlled release and specific action. The performance of biopolymeric particles depends on their composition, physicochemical properties and microstructural characteristics. Its composition and structure can be rationally designed to achieve desired functional attributes in bioproducts and bioprocesses. This ensures specific properties and characteristics for the engineering and development of biomaterials.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 99905-6677
E-mail: biomateriais.prpg@ufla.br

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