
The Graduate Program in Physics (PPGFI) aims to train qualified personnel for professional
performance in academic research and in the search for innovative processes aimed at the
development of new technologies. In addition to providing solid graduate physics training,
following the tradition of the area, the program will offer activities that aim to stimulate
entrepreneurship and the spirit of innovation. It is intended to train a versatile professional
who, in addition to the skills for basic and applied research, is able to identify and address
problems in the industrial sector, broadening the view of graduate students beyond the
academic perspective. Theoretical and methodological disciplines provide the basis for
deepening the formation of students. The selection process takes place every six months, and
we have scholarships available from CAPES, FAPEMIG and institutional support. Program
activities are funded by CAPES through PROAP. Most professors have a CNPq Productivity
Scholarship, as well as funding approved by public and private funding agencies such as CNPq,

FAPEMIG, CEMIG/FAPEMIG, among others, to carry out projects, theses. The program has a
concentration area and four lines of research: Experimental and Applied Physics, Condensed
Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Particle and Field Physics. We have a great structure of
laboratories available: Scientific and High Performance Computing, Mechanical Workshop,
Optical Characterization of Materials, Polymers, Clean Synthesis, Energy Efficiency Technology,
Electrical Characterization, Electronics and Microelectronics, Electron Microscopy Laboratory
and Ultrastructural Analysis, etc. With institutional support from UFLA, PPGFI has implemented
strategies to foster the internationalization of the institution. Finally, it is important to note
that the physics department always seeks to promote multidisciplinarity in its research,
promoting interaction with other departments of UFLA, scientific institutions and companies
focused on technological development.


ATTENTION: The Administrative office of the Institute of Natural Sciences (SI/ICN) is responsible for responding to requests for this Graduate Program. For more information on the responsibilities assigned to the administrative office please visit https://icn.ufla.br/si


E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Phone: soon



Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1628
E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


    Telefone/Ramal: 3829/1145

    Telefone/Ramal 2: 3829/1145

    E-mail: rodrigo.bufalo@ufla.br


    Telefone/Ramal: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

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