
Environmental Engineering

Description: The Federal University of Lavras has outstanding performance in environmental issues, being recognized for its management with a focus on sustainability, and the graduate program in Environmental Engineering (PPGEAMB) is aimed at training qualified professionals with such an idea in mind. Composed of a team of professors from different backgrounds, the program aims to meet multidisciplinarity with a focus on environmental issues. Objective: The PPGEAMB aims at academic and professional training, with theoretical-practical training of a multidisciplinary nature in the environmental area; the development of critical-reflective consciousness, differentiated qualification in the area of environmental engineering; training of qualified human resources for research, development, innovation and preservation of the environment. Periodicity of the selective process: Semiannual contribution: As sources of financial resources of PPGEAMB, we cite individual and group projects of professors, approved in different funding agencies, and PROAP, provided by CAPES for programs of grades 3, 4 and 5. Description of the research lines:  Materials and Environment: Research and develop materials and manufacturing processes that are more efficient and environmentally friendly, resulting in the manufacture of biodegradable materials, reusable and that can even be used in the treatment of water. Climate Change, Energy and Atmospheric Pollution: It aims to develop projects to evaluate atmospheric processes (hydrometeorology, atmospheric deposition and dispersion) and energy (thermal machines and efficiency), as well as the influence of natural and anthropogenic activities in these mechanisms. Sanitation and Environmental Geotechnics: The student may develop works in the treatment of water, treatment/utilization of wastewater and solid waste, as well as investigation of subsoil and groundwater, evaluation of slope stability and recovery of degraded areas.



Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-3102/4658
E-mail: posgraduacao.eeng@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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