
Seminários PPGEE

Os seminários do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística e Experimentação Agropecuária, da Universidade Federal de Lavras (PPGEE/UFLA) estão ocorrendo de forma online. Para participar do seminário, basta acessar o Google Meet (link:


Data: 27/09/2021

Horário: 14h00min


Autor: João Domingos Scalon


Título: Gibbs point processes for modelling spatial distribution of second-phase particles in composite materials


Resumo: Silicon carbide reinforced aluminum alloy composites are the typical candidates for engineering applications due to their enhanced mechanical properties over the corresponding aluminum alloys such as high strength and fatigue resistance. However, these mechanical properties can be highly sensitive to local variations in spatial distribution of reinforcement particles and, consequently, the analysis of such distribution is of prime importance in materials science. The aim of this seminar is to present Gibbs point processes as an intuitively appealing way for modelling spatial patterns formed by the locations of second-phase particles in composite materials.

Notícia cadastrada em: 27/09/2021 11:11
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