PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE Portuguese Version Spanish Version French Version

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 O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde se dedica a publicar estudos científicos de alto impacto que avançam o conhecimento na área da saúde e promovem a internacionalização do programa e de seus produtos. A publicação dos estudos desenvolvido por discente e docentes do PPGSA reflete nosso compromisso com a excelência acadêmica e a disseminação de conhecimento. A seguir, apresentamos os títulos dos artigos, bem como o link para acesso direto a todo conteúdo do trabalho desenvolvido.













Acaricidal and repellent activity of the essential oils of Backhousia citriodora, Callistemon viminalis and Cinnamodendron dinisii against Rhipicephalus spp. Link:


Repellent effect on Rhipicephalus sanguineus and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by volatile oils. Link:


Repellent activity of acetylcarvacrol and its effects on salivary gland morphology in unfed Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). Link:


Cytotoxic effects of Satureja montana L. essential oil on oocytes of engorged Rhipicephalus 2 microplus female ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). Link:


Acetylation of carvacrol raises its efficacy against engorged cattle ticks Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae). Link:


Gallic and Vanillic Acids as Promising Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors and Antigenotoxic Agents. Link:


Metabolites from Induratia spp. Modulating Key Enzymes in Human Hemostasis. Link:


Modulation of hemostasis by inhibiting enzymes with the extract of Averrhoa carambola leaves. J. Biotec. Link:


In vivo and in vitro prospection of the anti-ophidic properties exercised by the extracts of Jacaranda decurrens L. Link: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v43i1.57016


Lipases and proteases inhibition by Averrhoa carambola L. fruit extracts. Link:


Gallic acid anti-myotoxic activity and mechanism of action, a snake venom phospholipase A2 toxin inhibitor, isolated from the medicinal plant Anacardium humile. Link:


Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus microcorys Essential Oils: in vitro Modulation of Hemostasis and Genotoxic Activity. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. Link:


Evaluation of the Brazilian functional fruit Morinda citrifolia as phospholipases A2 and proteases modulator. Link:


Development and characterization of a Poly (vinyl alcohol) and Sodium alginate blend foam for wound dressing loaded with propolis and all-trans retinoic acid. link:


Socioeconomic factors related to food consumption and the condition of food and nutrition insecurity in preschoolers. Link:


Intervenc-a-o educativa em sau-de nutricional para educadores infantis da rede pu-blica: um estudo avaliativo. Link:


Mathematical modeling applied to epidemics: an overview. Link:


Spatial and temporal analyses of culls due to bovine tuberculosis in slaughterhouses of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, 2008 to 2012. Link:


Influence of Micronutrient Intake, Sociodemographic, and Behavioral Factors on Periodontal Status of Adults Assisted by a Public Health Care System in Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Multivariate Analysis. Link:


Age range implications of rats over Strongyloides venezuelensis infection. Link:


Treatment of primate platynosomosis: A word of caution about the use of praziquantel in marmosets. Link:


Systolic dysfunction by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in dogs with parvoviral enteritis. Link:


Virulence Genes Profile and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Community-Acquired Bacterial Urinary Tract Infections in a Brazilian Hospital. Link:


Climate influence the human leptospirosis cases in Brazil, 2007-2019: a time series analysis. Link:


Chemotactic behavior of Campylobacter fetus subspecies towards cervical mucus, bovine placenta and selected substances and ion. Link:


Efficacy of S19 and RB51 vaccine strains: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Link:


Cross-sectional study on Brucella spp., Leptospira spp. and Salmonella spp. in bats from Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Link:


Effects of vaccination against brucellosis and clostridia on the intake, performance, feeding behavior, blood parameters, and immune responses of dairy heifers calves. Link:


- Moderate and high intensity exercise improves glycaemia, blood pressure and body composition in menopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Link:


- Evaluation of the quality of commercial plant drugs with antidiabetic indications. Link:


- Psychological profile of brazilian athletes of Paradesports at School Level. Link:




- The Brain Display Interhemispheric and Interlobular Symmetry in Simple and Asymmetry during Complexes Non-Learned Finger Coordination Tasks. Link:


- Cardiometabolic Recovery and Lactate Removal May Be Related to Muscular Adaptations. Link:




- Balance, physical conditioning, and health perception in elderly women submitted to a 32-week physical exercise program. Link:


- Eating disorders, Body Image, obesity and NonPharmacological Inventions with Emphasis on Physical Exercise: An Integrative Review and Clinical Implications. Link:


- High Intensity Acute Physical Exercise Impacts The Executive Functions, Motricity and Brain Activity of Young Adults at the University: A Randomized Control Trial. Link:


- Epidemiology of health risk behavior among university students. Link:


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