joel yutaka sugano


Perfil Pessoal

Descrição pessoal
Joel Sugano holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Management from Osaka University (Japan) and a Post-Doc experience at Wageningen University (The Netherlands) also in Business Management. Author of several international and national articles, he is a faculty member at Federal University of Lavras (Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA) in Brazil since 2006, where he teaches in graduate and undergraduate courses. His research areas of interests are in Business Model Innovation and Strategy, with over 7 digits in funding from top research agencies.

He is very enthusiastic about the process of innovative thinking in the companies and how it can be used to rebuild the creation and delivery of value to the market. For that, he uses the approach of Business Platforms, which addresses the sharing of companies' core competences to strength the connections and partnerships among firms.

Joel is also a Co-founder of TBIT ( a start-up company in the Agro sector, where he participated in negotiations with venture capitalists to get the investments in Serie A round. He is also a Co-founder of Seven Go ( a startup that aims to boost interactions in the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) industry.

He is also founder of the consulting firm "Business Platform Technology and Management Limited" where he developed several projects for the public and private sectors.
Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
Post-Doc in Business Administration at Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Ph.D. in Business Administration at Osaka University (Japan)
Master in Rural Business Administration at Federal University of Lavras (Brazil)
Bachalor in Animal Science at Federal University of Lavras (Brazil)
Áreas de Interesse (áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
não informadas
Currículo Lattes:

Formação Acadêmica

Formação acadêmica não cadastrada


Endereço profissional
não informado
não informado
(35) 3829-1447
Endereço eletrônico

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