
Plant Science

The Graduate Program in Agronomy/Crop Science offers Master's and Doctoral courses in the field of Plant Production, evaluated with a grade of 6 by CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Commission). All actions of the program in teaching, research, and extension are guided by three major themes: I. FOOD PRODUCTION FOR THE WORLD; II. SUSTAINABILITY AND PRESERVATION; and III. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. The main objective of the program is to qualify high-level human resources for research, extension, management, and teaching in different areas of Plant Production, providing support for sustainable agricultural development and the expansion of agribusiness in our country, preparing graduates to work as professors, researchers, or in the private sector.

The program operates in one concentration area - Plant Production - and three research lines:


1 -Crop Management and Production: focusing on different crops, with emphasis on those of significant importance in national agriculture such as coffee, corn, soybeans, rice, and beans. This research line involves studies, teaching activities, and extension work in the field of "Major Crops," encompassing important crops not only in Brazil but worldwide. The main crops include soybeans, corn, rice, beans, coffee, as well as sugarcane, cotton, bioenergy species, and others. Research in this area leads to the development of technologies and cultural practices, including seed and seedling production, biotechnology, physiological development, nutrition, genetic improvement aspects, production systems, no-till farming, plant protection aspects, precision agriculture to increase productivity, post-harvest aspects, storage, transportation, marketing, and the social and economic impact of these crops.


2 -Horticultural Plant Management and Production: research involving different segments of Horticulture, including tropical and temperate fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants (floriculture and landscaping). The studies and topics of the courses cover aspects of propagation and production, biotechnology, history and uses, post-harvest, and marketing. This research line includes work and courses aimed at providing knowledge and development of technologies and cultural practices, including seedling production, biotechnology, physiological development, nutrition, genetic improvement aspects, protected cultivation, hydroponic production, use of biostimulants, aspects that enhance quality and productivity, post-harvest aspects, storage, transportation, marketing, use and social impact, as well as historical aspects in the field of Horticulture, involving fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants.


3 -Seed Production and Technology: studies related to seed production and quality control, involving aspects of seed physiology, biotechnology, and biochemistry. This research line includes work and courses aimed at providing knowledge and development of technologies and cultural practices, including seedling production, biotechnology, physiological development, nutrition, genetic improvement aspects, protected cultivation, hydroponic production, use of biostimulants, aspects that enhance quality and productivity, post-harvest aspects, storage, transportation, marketing, use and social impact, as well as historical aspects in the field of Horticulture, involving fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental plants.



Admission to the program is through a selective process, with candidates being evaluated through a written exam and curriculum assessment. Calls for applications are published twice a year, specific to courses starting in the first or second semester. Financial support for the program is provided through PROEX/CAPES, and there are also scholarships available to assist enrolled students, which are granted by funding agencies such as CAPES, CNPq, and FAPEMIG.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829 -1329/1329
E-mail: spg.dag@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa

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