
Forest Engineering

The Graduate Program in Forest Engineering (PPGEF), at the Master and Doctorate levels, has as its main objective the qualification of professionals to work in higher education, research, innovation and extension activities, with knowledge improvement in Forest Sciences, in three lines of research: Forest Ecology, Forest Management and Forestry and Forest Genetics. The selection of students is made once a year in the form of a notice. The three research lines are developed by professors with a high degree of training, many of them abroad, and outstanding experience in their areas of expertise. The profile of the students of the PPGEF is quite variable. Originating from various regions of the country and abroad, the students have different technical and cultural knowledge. Many already occupy some position in their institution of origin, which enriches the PPGEF and contributes to the training of the students newly coming from undergraduate. PPGEF offers scholarships for most students, funded by Capes, CNPq, Fapemig and research projects. The graduate of the PPGEF has extensive scientific and cultural training, developed with the numerous credits attended in regular disciplines offered in the curriculum of the course, or in other graduate programs, besides the involvement in various activities during the course period. The graduates also have the opportunity to develop their teaching capacity, engaging in undergraduate disciplines as a teaching trainee. In addition, the graduates also have opportunities to participate in research projects in agreements with other educational institutions and public and private companies. Currently, many graduates present international experience, acquired in internships and also in interaction with foreign visiting professors and researchers at the Universidade Federal de Lavras. The PPGEF has a system of monitoring the program's students, with the availability of information on the site of the graduate program in forest engineering, which allows a greater integration of the program with the graduates and thus increases the Interaction of students with the labor market. Many graduates remain in permanent contact with the professors and students of the program in the position of co-advisors, in research projects and participation in examining boards of dissertations or theses.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1428
E-mail: spg.dcf@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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