
Applied Ecology

The Graduate Program in Applied Ecology aims at training professionals with solid knowledge in ecology and conservation. Professionals who are able to identify, diagnose and propose mitigating and sustainable solutions to anthropogenic impacts on natural biota. About 50% of graduates are employed in the public or private sector in various modalities such as IFES, ICMbio, CEMIG, VALE, COPASA, consulting companies and others.

The objective of the program is to train professionals with theoretical and practical content through different activities. Theoretical and methodological disciplines provide the basis for deepening the formation of students. Field practices contribute to the application and consolidation of these concepts. Finally, the projects developed in the dissertations and theses seek to meet the different demands of society, contemplating recent changes in the paradigm of natural resource conservation.

The admission process takes place once a year for entry into the first semester, but eventually there are admission processes for entry into the second semester as well. All professors have funding approved by public and private funding agencies such as CNPq, FAPEMIG, CEMIG/FAPEMIG, among others, to carry out projects, dissertations and theses.

Program activities are funded by CAPES through PROAP. Half of the professors have a CNPq Productivity Scholarship. More than 90% of our Master's students have CAPES, FAPEMIG or CNPq scholarships, and all PhD students have scholarships or work. The program has a concentration area called Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources in Fragmented Landscapes and Agrosystems. The area of concentration is organized into two lines of research. Survey and Description of Biodiversity and its Relationship with the Environment is the survey of biological biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial systems and the description of new species. The research line Ecology and Monitoring of Anthropic Interference Ecosystems seeks to monitor the effects on biota caused by anthropogenic changes in natural systems.

The Program received concept 6 in the last evaluation of Capes.


ATTENTION: The Administrative office of the Institute of Natural Sciences (SI/ICN) is responsible for responding to requests for this Graduate Program. For more information on the responsibilities assigned to the administrative office please visit https://icn.ufla.br/si


E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Phone: +55 (35) 3829-1628

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1628
E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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