
Computer Sciences


The Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC) Master's course was implemented at UFLA in 2012. The course aims to prepare qualified professionals, with scientific and technological foundations, capable of conducting research projects and developing new technologies in Informatics, as well as training professors to meet the expansion of higher education. The admission processes occur twice a year in April and August. The main objective of the Program is to qualify liberal professionals, professors and technicians, enabling them to develop constructive pedagogical practices and to promote investigations that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of Computing Methodology and Techniques. Funding agencies, mainly FAPEMIG and CNPq, have supported and funded most professors of the Program. Several professors have research and technology projects funded by these agencies. At the end of 2018, two permanent professors of the PPGCC were awarded the Research Productivity Scholarship (PQ2). In addition, PPGCC has resources from PROAP and contributions from UFLA. The research lines of the Program are: 

i) Database and Software Engineering: it consists of elaborating methodologies, processes, tools and techniques to store and retrieve data and develop quality software in an integrated manner. 

ii) Computational Intelligence and Graphical Processing: in the Computational Intelligence theme, heuristics and hybrid methods are studied and developed for applications in machine learning, multi-agent systems, computer vision and data mining. In Graphic Processing, algorithms applicable from robotic vision in hardware to digital image processing in software, including image synthesis, are studied. 

iii) Embedded Computer Networks and Systems: Computer Networks cover hardware issues, such as physical issues in radio and cable communication, routing issues, and network infrastructure, to higher-level issues such as wireless communication protocols, and ubiquitous computing. In the Embedded Systems theme, the research encompasses System On Chip (SOC) performance, Reconfigurable Architectures, digital signal processors and dedicated microcontrollers.


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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1961/1961
E-mail: posgrad_si.icet@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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