
Public Administration

The Professional Master's Degree in Public Administration, after recommendation by the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (Capes/MEC), began its academic activities in August 2011. The purpose of this program is to qualify higher education personnel to pursue professional activities in Public Administration. The Graduate Program in Public Administration (PPGAP) aims to train professionals through teaching that promotes critical and reflective knowledge for the exercise of professional activities in Public Administration. The Program has trained public servants, researchers and social agents to: act consciously of their professional role in creating public value; understand the technical, economic, social and political contexts in which it is inserted; be committed to the public interest; contribute to the institutional development, efficiency and administrative innovation of the public sector and organized civil society. With this, the graduate of the course is able to understand the basic concepts and terminologies, focusing on the themes related to Public Policy, Social Management and Control, and Public Management and Innovation. It will also be able to diagnose, analyze and offer solutions for complex organizational situations, as well as being able to propose solutions to public order problems and to strategically analyze organization-environment relationship issues rather than just providing operational solutions.   To this end, the program has a flexible curriculum structure, recognizing the importance of paying credits in other graduate programs at partner institutions; it values the interdisciplinarity between the areas of human and social sciences with the technical areas from the state, it seeks the insertion of professors in the local reality through research and extension activities, as well as providing learning environments for research and extension practices such as research centers. studies, cooperative incubator and multi-user laboratories.  Area of Concentration: Public Administration Research Lines: click here Admission process: annual, with entry in the first semester of the year.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1446
E-mail: fcsa.posgraduacao@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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