
The Professional Master in Sustainable Development and Extension has been in operation since 2014. It seeks to train professionals with theoretical and methodological knowledge related to sustainable development and extension, turning them able to conduct research and actions aimed at the implementation of new development processes, not only considering the economic aspect, but also social, environmental, political and cultural issues. Their graduates are also expected to consolidate skills to stimulate the participation of actors, either through systematization of knowledge or the construction of new knowledge, using participatory research and methodologies.  


The course has an interdisciplinary proposal and professors from the areas of administration, economics, law, social sciences and entomology. The admission selection processes take place in the second semester of each year. The program has a concentration area (Sustainable Development and Extension) and two lines of research.  

The research line "Sustainability and Extension" brings together studies that seek to analyze sustainability in its various aspects, with emphasis on studies related to agroecology, sustainable production technologies and conservative biological control. It also stimulates reflections on environmental management, encompassing studies focused on both rural and urban issues, including topics such as sustainability indicators, environmental legislation, environmental education and water management.  


The research line "Development and Extension" encourages reflection on the diversity of themes related to development, with emphasis on those related to the rural and the plurality of the actors involved. It seeks to study public policies aimed at rural development and the environment, the inclusion of family and peasant farming in development processes and the different approaches of gender/class/race/ethnicity. It also seeks to reflect on the extension and mediation processes built in rural areas. It is also possible to analyze programs and projects, and studies on the forms of participation, organization and collective action. It also discusses topics such as solidarity economy, markets and marketing strategies for family farming.  


Area of Concentration: Sustainable Development and Extension


Research Lines: "Sustainability and Extension"; "Development and Extension"


Admission process: annual, with entry in the first semester of the year.


Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1446
E-mail: fcsa.posgraduacao@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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