foto apresentação

The Master of the Graduate Program of Health Sciences/PPGSA began in February 2017 and has 15 permanent teachers and 03 employees. The admission process for tickets occurs every six months. The program aims to train Masters with autonomy, critical-reflexive sense and solid knowledge to work in teaching and research in a professional and interdisciplinary way in the field of Health Sciences. In addition to stimulating and developing the ability of teamwork, aiming at solving the real problems of the population, covering both the technical-scientific and health management areas.


The Program has researches funded by CAPES and FAPEMIG and are distributed in the following lines:


1) Metabolic Disorders, Inflammation and Functional Foods: It studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of obesity and its comorbidities as well as the immune system response in regulating and resolving inflammation in different physiological and pathological processes. Local and systemic biological effects of food and drugs on metabolism and inflammatory process.


2) Epidemiology, Education, and Evaluation of Health Processes: This research area aims to develop studies that consider the concepts of risk, vulnerability, and social determinants of the health-disease-care process and their applications in healthcare. It also focuses on studies related to surveillance, prevention, and disease control. Additionally, this line includes the design of field and clinical trials, as well as the evaluation of health processes and socio-educational interventions, generating knowledge about healthcare practices and health education.


3) Experimental and Behavioral Neurobiology: This line of research encompasses studies involving the central and peripheral nervous systems from cellular, biochemical, molecular, pharmacological, and behavioral perspectives. These studies aim to analyze mechanisms of control and neuroendocrine/autonomic modulations during behavioral reactions such as stress, reproduction, food intake, sepsis, among others, as well as cognitive functions, considering the general population and specific groups.


4) Parasite-host relationship and vector control: Biological and morphological characteristics of endo and ectoparasites in humans, including some of zoonotic interest. Study of immunological responses and pathological processes arising from interactions of parasites with their intermediate and definitive hosts. Pathogen transmission and control methods of the main vectors of endemic diseases. The PPGDSA assumes an interdisciplinary scientific profile-receiving professionals such as Biologists, Biomedics, Nurses, Pharmacists, Doctors, Veterinarians, Nutritionists, Dentists, among others. In this sense, graduates will be able to raise questions related to scientific knowledge; analyze, organize and publish the results of their research; monitor the development of science in its area of expertise; use didactic tools to teach undergraduate and graduate students; autonomy to apply for financial aid to funding agencies, as well as to adapt and incorporate the experience from the graduation in their professional practice; consolidate research groups in both the academic and industrial sectors and with advanced and comprehensive knowledge to enable you to lead multidisciplinary groups on diverse fronts of knowledge.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-9707/9707
E-mail: posgraduacao.fcs@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


    Telefone/Ramal: 3829-9707/9707

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: bruno.borges@ufla.br


    Telefone/Ramal: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

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