PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FILOSOFIA Portuguese Version Spanish Version French Version

Telephone/Extension number: (35) 3829-1179/1049
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The Federal University of Lavras Graduate Program in Philosophy (UFLA) began its activities in 2019, with the offer of a Master's degree. The aim of the program is to train masters of philosophy who are capable of both advanced teaching and research, whether in the history of philosophy or its contemporary problems; as well as to contribute, through their research, to the improvement of the national philosophical debate. The selection process for admission to the Master takes place once a year, throughout the first semester (to start the course in the second). The program is divided into two lines of research. The research line "History of Philosophy" aims at the rigorous exegesis of classical authors, the reconstruction of the history of philosophical debate and the analysis of the reflexes and repercussions of classical philosophical theories in later philosophical debate. This line consists of four research projects: "Theories of the Soul"; "Arabic Philosophy and Christian Philosophy in the Formation of Medieval Thought"; "Kant and German Idealism" and "Contractualisms and their criticisms". The research line "Themes of Contemporary Philosophy" aims at the philosophical reflection on current themes, the rigorous exegesis of the contemporary philosophers theories and the reconstitution of today's philosophical debate - both within the philosophical field itself and at the interface with several other areas of knowledge: psychoanalysis and psychology; sociology; economics; history; literature; visual arts; theater and cinema. This line consists of four research projects: "Critical theory and psychoanalysis"; "Philosophy and non-philosophy in contemporary French thought"; "Subjectivity and representation in Contemporary Philosophy". The UFLA Graduate Philosophy Program page is under construction. News regarding the admission process will be posted here (see News section). More information about the program (research lines, accredited teachers, research projects) can be found on the Sucupira portal (entering the CAPES Collection tab and filling in fields 2019, UFLA and Philosophy).


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Telephone/Extension number

Telephone/Extension number: (35) 3829-1179/1049

Coordination Department of the Program


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