
The Academic Graduate Program in Languages has as its general objective the qualification of researchers and teachers for the advanced academic performance, transforming procedures and processes inherent to the questions of language and culture, carried out through reflection on the subjects and society.




Promote excellence in academic training, research and extension in the field of Literature, enabling our students to become highly qualified professionals aware of their responsibility in society. We seek to cultivate interdisciplinary knowledge, innovation and high-quality scientific production, always with a solid commitment to ethical values and sustainable development. Our program is dedicated to creating an inclusive and diverse environment, where collaboration and internationalization are encouraged, thus contributing to the construction of knowledge and the enrichment of culture.




We seek to become a national and international center of excellence in the area of Literature, recognized for our academic quality, contribution to the advancement of knowledge and positive impact on society. We aim to be an environment where cutting-edge research and innovation flourish, enriching the training of our students, improving our teaching staff and significantly influencing the educational landscape. Our vision is to inspire change, promoting diversity, integration between teaching, research and extension, as well as the internationalization of knowledge, maintaining a firm commitment to ethics, sustainability and social responsibility. Overcoming obstacles and achieving the maximum score in the CAPES assessment is a goal, as this recognition not only validates our commitment to quality, but also positions us as leaders in our field, opening doors to partnerships, financing and the opportunity to positively influence educational policies in Brazil. Thus, we will continue to improve our academic excellence until we reach this classification, contributing to a brighter future in research in Literature and the training of new, highly qualified professionals.




Academic Excellence: We value the constant search for quality in all our academic activities, promoting cutting-edge research, high-level teaching and relevant scientific production.

Integrity and Ethics: We commit to conducting our activities with integrity and ethics, acting with honesty, transparency and respect, both in research and in interaction with our academic community and society.

Diversity and Inclusion: We embrace diversity in all its forms, promoting an inclusive environment that values different perspectives, backgrounds and identities, contributing to a richer and more stimulating academic environment.

Innovation and Interdisciplinarity: We encourage innovation and interdisciplinarity as essential pillars to advance knowledge and face the complex challenges of our time.

Social Responsibility: We recognize our responsibility towards society and strive to apply our knowledge for the benefit of the local, national and global community.

Collaboration and Partnership: We value collaboration between faculty, students and other postgraduate programs, promoting partnerships that expand our academic and social impact.

Internationalization: We seek the internationalization of knowledge, fostering partnerships and collaborations with academic institutions around the world, providing our students with a global perspective.

Environmental Sustainability: We commit to practices that promote environmental sustainability, reducing our negative impact on the environment whenever possible.

Citizenship and Public Responsibility: Our values include a deep commitment to active citizenship and public responsibility, seeking solutions that improve the quality of life of society in general.

Adaptation and Continuous Improvement: We pursue the capacity for adaptation and continuous improvement, responding to the constantly evolving challenges of the academic environment and society, and seeking to continually improve our practices.


Speficic Objectives:

Specific objectives of the Master in Languages are

1. Mobilize the knowledge and research produced in the area of Languages as a subsidy to the reflections on the interaction between languages, cultures and social practices;

2. Constitute an forum of discussion, reflection and knowledge production in the area of Languages and its relations with the society.

3. Constitute a space for qualification of professionals of Languages and other areas of knowledge with interest in studying the various languages (human and artificial);

4 Develop qualified professionals to work in Education, preferably in the areas of language teaching (mother tongue and additional) and their literatures;

5 Investigate language practices in different social contexts;

Frequency of the Annual Selective Process

Vacancies by selection: 24

Concentration Area Language, Culture and Society;



Line Line 1 - Descriptive-analytical studies of verbal language/language and their technologies Description: The line addresses the analytical-descriptive foundations of linguistic processes and their constitution within the scope of social dimensions, their uses and technologies in the process of description and analysis. Therefore, research is proposed in the various constitutive dimensions of language: phonetic-phonological, morphosyntactic, semantic-lexical, textual and pragmatic – discursive, under theoretical-methodological contributions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/Dialectology, Textual Linguistics, from the theories of Multimodality, the Discursive Sociointeractionist Approach, among others, conceiving these dimensions as spaces of social interaction in which users are inserted in multisemiotic contexts and are determined by identity and ideological traits. L

ine 2 - Cultural objects and sense production Description: This line brings together studies focused on the multiple approaches and analysis of cultural objects, both from the discursive and literary point of view, which contribute to various forms of apprehension/meaning production. Language practices, either in the dimension of daily life or in the reworking in the literary plane, seek to highlight the ways in which the phenomena involving cultural productions and the consequent apprehension of meanings occur. Thus, there is the investment in the possibility of investigating discursive and literary manifestations, keeping their specificities, from the construction of concepts such as discourse, art, literature, culture, identity, memory, diversity, among others, seeking to understanding language in its social, artistic and cultural practices.


Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1179
E-mail: ppgletras.del@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


    Telefone/Ramal: 2142-2126/2126

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: patricialmeida@ufla.br


    Telefone/Ramal: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

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