
Scientific and Environmental Education

The Graduate Program in Scientific and Environmental Education (PPGECA) consists of academic activities for the training of masters in the area of concentration in Scientific and Environmental Education. It is made up of a multidisciplinary nucleus, bringing together professors from the Departments of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Philosophy, Languages and Education from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), as well as external professor from the area of Science Teaching, in different lines of research. The proposal is that during the activities of the program professors, together with students, would build works that involve and deepen the theoretical and practical foundations of scientific and environmental education, its history and its relations with society, as it will have as a starting point for their reflections, research, creations and professional and academic contributions related to the social demands of education, science, culture, philosophy and art. The program aims to train and qualify graduate research professors in the area of Science Teaching, both those who already work in education, as well as students graduating from the undergraduate and bachelor degrees of the Federal University of Lavras and other educational institutions, in order to contribute to the historical and critical understanding of social relations in and with nature, and the production of knowledge, so that they participate individually and collectively to guarantee and strengthen Brazilian scientific and environmental education and a fairer and more sustainable society project. The Program is funded by CAPES and FAPEMIG scholarships, as well as UFLA and PROAP's own warehouse cost support, which is expected to reach the program in its second year of operation. The program selection process is annual and occurs in the second semester of each year for admission in the subsequent semester. The candidate who wants to participate in the admission process can integrate into one of three Program research lines: Education, Culture, Science and Environment; History and Philosophy of Sciences or Languages, Practices and Processes in Science Education. The research line entitled Education, Culture, Science and Environment aims to enable teacher training in the sense of critical understanding of social relations in (and with) the environment, historically constructed relationships that change over time, theoretically and practically instrumentalizing the ones involved so as to allow them to contribute to the continuity of knowledge production to guide actions and the confrontation of social and environmental problems in the contexts in which they are inserted, aiming, therefore, at active social participation. The research line History and Philosophy of Sciences seeks to study and research the relationship between science and society, from ancient times to the present day, via research projects that encompass different perspectives of analysis and interpretation, aiming to deepen the knowledge of themes and issues linked to science as object of historical-philosophical, sociological and pedagogical reflection. The candidate for the program may also enroll in the research line of Languages, Practices and Processes in Science Education that seeks to articulate reflections on how the spheres of production, circulation and reception of scientific, educational, environmental and scientific dissemination discourses and practices build. Relations of continuity, discontinuity and dialogue. Such analyses seek to focus on the institutional and non-formal spaces of interaction between these instances, discussing sociological, philosophical and political issues. Email: ppgeca.dbi@ufla.br


ATTENTION: The Administrative office of the Institute of Natural Sciences (SI/ICN) is responsible for responding to requests for this Graduate Program. For more information on the responsibilities assigned to the administrative office please visit https://icn.ufla.br/si


E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Phone: soon


Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1628
E-mail: pg.icn@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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