







The Graduate Program in Soil Science (PPGCS) has as its main objective the formation of masters and doctors with academic profile in Soil Science, concentrating the training activities in specific and related areas of Soil Science. The processes for admission are carried out every six months and have as a differential the decentralization of the application of tests performed in several states of Brazil. Foreign applicants may apply on a continuous basis, by virtue of agreements or other international cooperation agreements and by funding agencies, or in accordance with the criteria defined in a specific notice published by the UFLA Graduate Dean. In this case, they compete with the Brazilian candidates. Students throughout the master or doctorate courses attend disciplines; receive training to perform bibliographic research and writing scientific articles and research projects, as well as training to improve the presentation of works in public. The main source of funding is CAPES/PROEX as well as several publicly funded projects (various federal and state funding agencies) and private (e.g. companies). The Program has three areas of concentration and lines of research by area that aggregate all the activities of teachers, namely: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Concealers, fertilizers and waste utilization; Dynamics and nutrient availability in the soil-plant system; Plant nutrition, metabolism and nutritional diagnosis; Carbon in the soil-plant system; Agronomic biofortication of foods.    Soil Biology, Microbiology and Biological Processes Soil Biodiversity and biochemical and biophysical soil processes.    Environmental Resources and Land Use Pedology and land use; Chemistry, Mineralogy, pollution and soil degradation; Soil and water management and conservation; Soil physics and mechanics; Digital mapping of soils.    The Program maintains regular monitoring of graduates. Most of the graduates are inserted in teaching in public and private educational institutions. Another significant part is in research activities in public and private institutions. Other activities: Freelancers (Micro entrepreneurs/Agricultural Consultants/Farmers); Academic background in progress (PhD/Postdoc/Industrial Development); Exam preparation/Post-defense proceedings; Continuation in careers not related to Agricultural Sciences. Other information about graduates is available on this page in other options - professional insertion of graduates.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1392/1392
E-mail: pg.esal@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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