
The Animal Science Graduate Program (PPGZ) offers Master's and Doctoral courses in the area of Animal Production and Nutrition of Non-Ruminants and Animal Production and Nutrition of Ruminants, evaluated with Grade 6 by CAPES (Commission for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel).


The general objective of the PPGZ is to train professionals with solid theoretical and practical knowledge to work on solving general and specific problems in livestock and other animal husbandry in Brazil, thus aiming to meet the training demands of professionals in the educational sectors , research, extension and industrial agribusiness.


The PPGZ also aims to train graduate students with a vision for technological innovation and entrepreneurship, which are key areas of knowledge in achieving a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized, complex and demanding market.


The policy for planning and evaluating the activities and results of student education and knowledge production within the scope of the PPGZ/UFLA follows the guidelines of the UFLA Institutional Development Plan (PDI/UFLA - https://ufla.br/pdi/), of the Development Plan of the Unit to which the PPGZ is linked, and of the Area Document of the area of Animal Science and Fisheries Resources of CAPES. All of this, in line with the program's objectives, the profile of the graduate planned by the PPGZ/UFLA and the profile of the PPG faculty. The set of rules that guide the PPGZ/UFLA is provided in the General Regulation of the Program, available on this page.


STRATEGIC PLANNING: PPGZ/UFLA has maintained, since 2017, an updated list containing 35 indicators related to the faculty, students, theses and dissertations, intellectual production and social impact of the program, permanently available online, in real time, on the Indicators page of the Graduate Programs Stricto Sensu at UFLA (https://ufla.br/pdi/versoes-anteriores/pdi-2016-2020/indicadores-dos-programas-de-pos-graduacao-stricto-sensu). These indicators represent the main product (and also action) of the PPGZ/UFLA's strategic planning.


GRADUATE PROFILE: The PPGZ Graduate Profile should ensure a solid base of scientific knowledge and technological innovation in the field of Animal Science; in addition to endowing graduates with an ethical, political, humanist conscience, with a critical and global view of the economic, social, political, environmental and cultural situation in the region where it operates, in Brazil and in the world. To meet the objectives and profile of the graduate, PPGZ operates in two areas of concentration with their respective lines of research:


** Non-Ruminant Production and Nutrition:

- Nutritional, physiological and metabolic aspects in the production and reproduction of non-ruminants;

- Evaluation of additives for non-ruminant animals;

- Molecular biology applied to nutrition and genetic improvement in non-ruminants;

- Determination of nutritional requirements and food evaluation in non-ruminants;

- Production factors that influence meat quality in non-ruminants;

- Breeding, nutrition, and reproduction in freshwater fish.


** Ruminant Production and Nutrition:

- Nutritional, physiological and metabolic aspects in the production and reproduction of non-ruminants;

- Evaluation of additives for non-ruminant animals;

- Molecular biology applied to nutrition and genetic improvement in non-ruminants;

- Determination of nutritional requirements and food evaluation in non-ruminants;

- Production factors that influence meat quality in non-ruminants;

- Assessment, production and fodder conservation.


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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1239
E-mail: spgz.dzo@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


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