
The Graduate Program in Veterinary Sciences - PPGCV of the Federal University of Lavras -UFLA trains masters and doctors to make them able to work in different fields of veterinary medicine and related areas such as health, diagnosis, physiology and animal metabolism, including human; In addition to the reproduction and management of the various species to produce food of animal origin with safety and quality. Its objective is to train human resources to work in research, teaching and extension institutions, as well as in private enterprise, through a solid scientific formation in line with the new advances in research, innovation and entrepreneurship in Veterinary Medicine. The Program is committed to identifying priorities for regional and national development, generating knowledge that aims to contribute to the solution of the main problems of the region in the area of influence of the Program, but with innovation and scientific impact at international level. For such, the research lines developed are: 1. Animal Production and Reproduction - production, reproduction and management in animal production systems, meat quality and traceability, 2. Animal Physiology and Metabolism - physiological and metabolic principles of animals and the influence of drugs, food and management conditions; 3. Animal health and public health - main aspects related to animal health and infectious, parasitic diseases and zoonosis, including aspects of preventive veterinary medicine; epidemiology; prevention and control; health planning and evaluation; Public Health and Animal Health Defense; 4. Veterinary Clinic, Surgery and Pathology - clinical and surgical conditions, etiopathogenesis and pathological diagnosis of diseases, especially directed to veterinary doctors; 5. Genetics, reproduction and health of aquatic animals - genetic improvement, reproduction, metabolism and health of aquatic animals. as well as metabolic and physiological processes and the influence of substances such as drugs, food and management conditions in native aquatic species of economic interest. Admission to the master and doctorate programs are semiannual through the selection process. The PPGCV is rated 5 by CAPES and funded by PROAP.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1735
E-mail: ppgcv.dmv@ufla.br

Coordenação do Programa


    Telefone/Ramal: (35) 38291735

    Telefone/Ramal 2: (35) 38291728

    E-mail: lsmurgas@ufla.br


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    Telefone/Ramal 2: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

    E-mail: Nenhum conteúdo disponível até o momento

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