
Considering the social demands for graduate training of basic education professionals at Graduate Course level, the Federal University of Lavras supported the creation of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE), in the Professional Master's degree, in 2011. . The PPGE Professional Masters course has as its general objective the qualification of teachers for advanced professional performance, transforming procedures and issues inherent to teaching performance. In this sense, the actions taken by the Program are directed to the critical reflection on the pedagogical practice, on the incorporation of scientific method and on the use of technological or technical-methodological resources in the teaching-learning process, covering the way such apparatuses constitute professor's and student's subjectivities.             

By contemplating a pedagogical perspective distinct from the Academic Master's Degree, PPGE seeks to consolidate, through the curricular structure of research projects, events and production of teaching materials, a background that can effectively contribute to a formative path that seeks articulation with undergraduate (potentialization of initial education), academic literacy (experiences of academic production, participation in research groups and extension projects, scientific production), as well as a professional education that excels in theoretical and practical reflection, based on criticism and on pedagogical innovation.                 

In this direction, PPGE seeks to develop studies on the multiplicity of knowledge, spaces and different forms of knowledge production, contemplating the aesthetic, ethical, political and epistemological, cultural, pedagogical and linguistic-discursive dimensions of the educational process, in order to provoke shifts in the ways of doing and conceiving professional development and teaching performance.

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Telefone/Ramal: (35) 3829-1179
E-mail: mpe.faelch@ufla.br

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